119 research outputs found

    Online Project Management for Dynamic e-Collaboration

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    Today’s collaborative projects demand efficient and productive software application tools for the workplace that will bring remote teams together to get the work done. Dynamic e-collaboration is a necessity for virtual relations and business agreements. It depends on two distinct factors: trust and need. This paper presents a way to manage remote teams using a web application developed with ColMap model of project management in an IT company. The information exposed and shared applications with partners in collaborative projects are based on RBAC. Group collaboration and management software has been proven to successfully manage and coordinate projects.Dynamic E-collaboration, Collaboration Model, Web Application

    Clinical and technical aspects in the treatment of partial edentation by implant

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    Rezumat. Este prezentat analiza a trei metode de fixare a protezelor fixe unidentare implantopuratate unde am analizat cantitatea de ciment ce refluează în afara liniei de conexiune dintre abutmentul standart, abutment individual hybrid şi înşurubare, cu ajutorul metodei fotometrice. Acest studiu s-a efectuat pe cadru tripodic, la aceiaşi distanţă, unghi, parametrii, lumină şi folosind aceiaşi cantitate de ciment în fiecare coroană. Calibrarea s-a efectuat cu ajutorul unui analog calibrat. În rezultatul cercetării am observat că cantitatea de ciment ce refluează în afara liniei de conexiune dintre abutmentul standart, abutment individual hybrid şi coroana este diferit.Summary. Was made the analysis of three methods of prosthesis fixing on the implants, where we analyzed the amount of cement reflecting off the connection line between the standard abutment, individual hybrid abutment and screwing, using the photometric method. This study was performed on a tripod frame, at the same distance, angle, parameters, light and using the same amount of cement in each crown. Calibration was performed using a calibrated analog. As a result of the research we noticed that the amount of cement reflecting off the connection line between the standard abutment, individual hybrid abutment and the crown is different

    A range of sexualy transmitted infections, detected at the time of preventive healthcare procedure

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    Au fost studiate fişele a 13 543 de persoane cu vârste cuprinse între 17-50 de ani din raionul Anenii Noi, încadrate în controlul profilactic pentru perioada 2011-2015. Examenul obiectiv şi investigaţiile de laborator respective au permis depistarea unui şir de infecţii cu transmitere sexuală şi anume: 0,21% – sifilis; 0,33% – infecţie gonococică; 5,08% – candidoză urogenitală; 0,89% – vaginoză bacteriană provocată de Trichomonas vaginalis şi 12,8% cu Gardrenella vaginalis. Concluzii. Se constată prevalenţa infecţiilor urogenitale, produse de Gardrenella vaginalis şi Candida albicans.Medical files of 13543 patients aged 17 to 50 years old, originated from Anenii Noi region, who have passed preventive healthcare procedure during 2011-2015, were examined. Clinical inspection and laboratory methods have detected a wide range of sexually transmitted infections, as follows: in 0.21% of cases – syphilis, in 0.33% of cases – gonococcal infection, in 5.08% of cases – urogenital candidiasis, in 0.89% of cases – bacterial vaginosis caused by Trichomonas vaginalis and in 12.8% of cases by Gardnerella vaginalis. Conclusions. A prevalence of Gardnerella vaginalis and Candida albicans induced by urogenital infections was established

    Can Air Quality be Influenced in Coastal Areas by Shipping?

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    The problem of pollution is a topical issue at global, regional but also at the local level. Starting from this idea, the question arises whether the coastal region in the North-East of the Black Sea is affected by the emissions resulting from the combustion of marine fuels in large ship engines, which manage to set in motion floating buildings intended for the transport of goods and passengers. This paper wants to evaluate the variation of the air quality indicators in the coastal area of Romania, taking into account the contribution that the ships by their number, size and destination can have on these qualitative factors. Such an approach is needed from the perspective of the more than 500,000 inhabitants possibly affected by the effects with which this industry is accompanied. As the Black Sea active fleet is already old, as its ages year by year, the premises for the need for this study can be set up. As in other regions, drastic measures are taken in order to reduce the effects of pollution due to such economic activity, the assessment of the effects that this industry produces in inhabited areas becomes necessary. In order to carry out this study, air quality data from the database provided by the National Air Quality Monitoring Network of the Workshop on the calitateaer.ro site were evaluated

    Online Project Management for Dynamic e-Collaboration

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    Today's collaborative projects demand efficient and productive software application tools for the workplace that will bring remote teams together to get the work done. Dynamic e-collaboration is a necessity for virtual relations and business agreements. It depends on two distinct factors: trust and need. This paper presents a way to manage remote teams using a web application developed with ColMap model of project management in an IT company. The information exposed and shared applications with partners in collaborative projects are based on RBAC. Group collaboration and management software has been proven to successfully manage and coordinate projects

    Psoriasis in children and adolescents

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    Material şi metode. S-a efectuat un studiu retrospectiv pe un lot de 103 pacienţi cu psoriazis, cu vârste cuprinse între 1 an şi 17 ani (băieţi/fetiţe – 64/39), trataţi în Spitalul de Dermatologie şi Maladii Comunicabile. Rezultate. Repartizarea conform vârstei a fost următoarea: până la 5 ani – 11, până la 10 ani – 16, până la 15 ani – 29 şi până la 17 ani – 47 de pacienţi. Durata maladiei a oscilat între 3 luni şi 11 ani, media fiind de 3,8 ani. În 69,9% cazuri, maladia a debutat în perioada rece a anului. Anamneza familială pozitivă s-a înregistrat în 45,6% cazuri, inclusiv: rude de gradul I – 45, rude de gradul II – 2 cazuri. S-a depistat un spectru de factori declanşatori posibili: stresul psihoemoţional – 17, infecţii respiratorii acute – 15, focare de infecţie cronică – 32 (tonzilită – 13, gastrită – 9, uretrită – 4, carie dentară – 2, colecistită – 2, pancreatită – 2). S-a constatat asocierea psoriazisului cu alte maladii, inclusiv: obezitate de gradul II-III şi acnee vulgară – câte 7 cazuri, veruci vulgare – 2, pitiriazis rozat şi epilepsie – câte 1 caz. Psoriazis vulgar (papule şi placarde) s-a constatat la 73 de pacienţi, iar cel acut (gutat) – la 15 pacienţi. Localizarea erupţiei în pliuri şi pe faţă s-a evidenţiat, respectiv, în 15,5% şi 11,6% cazuri. Artropatie psoriazică s-a observat la 15 pacienţi, inclusiv: artrită interfalangiană distală – 5 cazuri, oligoartrită simetrică – 4, poliartrită simetrică seronegativă – 3, spondilită şi coxoileită – 3 cazuri. Afectări unghiale s-au înregistrat în 4,85% cazuri. Pruritul s-a constatat în 83% cazuri. Schimbări paraclinice depistate: anemie – 31%, limfocitoză – 27,1%, VSH accelerată – 18,4%, proteina C reactivă (4+) – 1,94% cazuri. S-a indicat tratament de rutină, inclusiv UVB în bandă îngustă 311 nm. Concluzii. Repartiţia cazuisticii luate în studiu, conform formelor clinice de boală, a conchis că psoriazisul a avut, cel mai des, un aspect vulgar, în plăci şi placarde, inclusiv, cu localizări în pliuri şi pe faţă, urmat de psoriazisul gutat, semnalat frecvent ca o formă de debut a bolii la copii şi, oarecum mai rar, psoriazisul artropatic. Rolul unor factori declanşatori ai maladiei este evident în cazuistica studiată. De menţionat, prezenţa pruritului în marea majoritate a cazurilor.Material and methods. A retrospective research has been done on 103 patients with psoriasis, aged from 1 till 17 years old (male/female ratio – 64/39) and treated in Hospital of Dermatology and Communicable Diseases. Results. Repartition of patients by the age was as follows: up to 5 years – 11 cases, up to 10 years – 16 cases, up to 15 years – 29 and up to 17 years – 47 patients respectively. Duration of the disease oscillated between 3 months and 11 years, mean age is about 3.8 years. In 69.9% of cases the disease occurred in cold time of the year. An aggravated heredity has been observed in 45.6% of cases: 1st degree relatives – 45 cases, 2nd degree relatives – in 2 cases. A large spectrum of possible trigger factors was detected: emotional stress – 17 cases, acute respiratory infections – 15 cases, chronic infections – 32 cases (tonsillitis – 13, gastritis – 9, urethritis – 4, dental caries – 2 cases, cholecystitis – 2, pancreatitis – 2 cases). Association of psoriasis with some comorbidities was observed: the 2nd-3rd degree obesity, as well as acne vulgaris – 7 cases respectively, common warts – 2 cases, pityriasis rosea and epilepsy – 1 case each. Cutaneous psoriasis (papules and plaques) – was described in 73 patients and acute (guttate) in 15 patients. Skin folds and face involvement was present in 15.5% and 11.6% of patients, respectively. Psoriatic arthritis was observed in 15 patients as follows: distal interphalangeal arthritis – 5 cases, symmetric oligoarthritis - 4, seronegative symmetric polyarthritis – 3, spondyloarthropathy and sacroileitis – 3 cases respectively. Nail involvement was registered in 4.85% of cases. 83% of patients complained of pruritus. Paraclinical deviations included the following: anemia – in 31% of cases, lymphocytosis – 27.1%, ESR acceleration – 18.4%, C reactive protein 4+ -1.94% of cases. Patients have received an obvious treatment, inclusively a 311 nm narrowband UVB phototherapy. Conclusions. Distribution of the clinical forms of disease has shown a significant prevalence of papules and plaques, inclusively with face and skin folds involvement, followed by guttate psoriasis as the most frequent form of debut in children, as well as psoriatic arthritis. Trigger factors were also indicted in the research. It is important to mention the presence of pruritus in the majority of cases

    Modern concepts in making of individual abutment

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    Rezumat. Este prezentat conceperea designului individual cu conexiune internă conică Morse taper 1.5° și hexagon 1.2 anti-rotaţional utilizînd softul ExoCad de modelare tridimensională. La baza conceperii designului a stat studierea CBCT al pacientului unde au fost efectuate măsurări în secţiune transversală a dinţilor vecini în oglindă, măsurări vestibulo-palatinale și medio-distale. Abutmentul individual a fost confecţionat din zirconiu pe suprot Ti-Base CS K3Pro Argon.Summary. The concept design of the individual abutment with internal conical Morse taper 1.5 ° and hexagon 1.2 anti–rotational connection using the ExoCad three–dimensional modeling software is presented. The design was based on the study of the CBCT of the patient where measurements were made in cross section of the neighboring teeth in the mirror, vestibule–palatal and mesial–distal measurements. The individual abutment was manufactured of zirconium on the Ti–Base CS K3Pro Argon support

    Scabies and trichomycosis incidence in children from Anenii Noi region

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    Generalităţi. Studiul retrospectiv a vizat 6639 de copii, cu vârste cuprinse între 1-18 ani (b/f – 4144/2495), asistaţi în secţia dermatovenerologică a Spitalului Raional Anenii Noi, pe parcursul anilor 2011-2015. Rezultate. În cohorta respectivă a fost depistat următorul spectru de maladii contagioase: tricofiţie – 6 bolnavi (vârstă – 7-17 ani; b/f – 3/3); microsporie – 309 bolnavi (b/f – 160/149), fiind cu vârste cuprinse între 1-6 ani, în jumătate din cazuri; scabie – 257 de bolnavi, dintre care 71,3% din cazuri, cu vârste cuprinse între 1-14 ani. Concluzii. Studiul efectuat relevă prevalenţa microsporiei şi scabiei la copiii consultaţi. Menţionăm prevalenţa microsporiei din totalul pilomicozelor, fiind constatată în marea lor majoritate, la copiii mici şi preşcolari. Media raportului microsporie/tricofiţie a fost 51,5/1.A retrospective research, in 6639 children aged 1 to 18 years old (m/f – 4144/2495), treated by a dermatologist in Anenii Noi Regional Hospital during 2011-2015, has been done. Results. A range of cutaneous infections were detected, such as: trichophytosis in 6 cases (aged 7 to 17 years old, m/f-3/3); microsporosis in 309 cases ( a half of patients were aged 1 to 6 years old, m/f-160/149); scabies in 257 patients from whom 71,3% aged 1 to 14 years old. Conclusions. Present study reveals the prevalence of microsporosis and scabies among of examined children. It is importanat to mention predominance of miscrosporosis in toddlers and preschool age children. Average ratio between microsporisis and trichopytosis was 51.5/1


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    Monitoring of phosphorus content in “water-particulatematerials-bottom sediments system” for river Prut. Seasonal and spatialdynamics of phosphorus forms in water, particulate materials and bottomsediments of river Prut was elucidated. The scheme for determination ofphosphorus forms in water and particulate materials according to World HealthOrganization classification was evaluated. Additionally, this scheme was tested forestimation of phosphorus content in bottom sediments. The supplemented schemeallows the analysis of the phosphorus forms for the entirely system “water –particulate materials – bottom sediments”, extending possibilities for interpretationof phosphorus dynamics in natural waters